Just past Kapalaoa cabin we noticed a section of trail weaving across the crater floor, traveling around cinder cones and through tufts of grass and silver-swords. Here the single-track gives way to double- , as the crater floor widens into a flat, occasionally reuniting for a spell. It seems like a metaphor. Other animals create a single track. It’s more efficient. Why cut a trail twice to the same place? Humans create double-tracks. We walk side-by-side whenever possible. We walk. We talk. We watch. We learn. This should be our marriage: walking side-by-side through a crater as the world is being molded and formed and expanded around us; being awestruck by the enormity of the universe radiating above us; seeking to find what is over the next rise, around the next ridge, across the next chasm; finding a meadow to rest in before our next adventure; and feeling the warmth of that human standing beside us every step of the way.
What’s the plan?
Legalities were conducted in Haleakalā Crater on April 14, 2018. Check out the ceremony text and pictures! Also, engagement pictures!
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Colorado Smolunding
Guess what… It’s actually happening… Get out your fancy pants.
The weekend of August 1-2, 2020 is officially The Colorado Smolunding!
The main event will be Sunday August 2 at the Wash Park Boathouse. Plan for an evening of food, drinks, family, friends, and a dang good time. We’ll be planning more events over/around the weekend to make sure you all get your fill of merriment and exercise. We’ll keep you up to date on those plans as they solidify.
Hawaii Smolunding
The Hawaii celebration was at Honolulu Beerworks on May 12, 2018. Thanks everyone for coming!